
25/11/12: surely it can’t be a month until Christmas! This evening we went to the lovely Heritage Park for a BBQ tea with some lovely friends. It was a great way to end the weekend.


24/11/12: monte and the two big kids set up the tent and tonight Matthew and Georgia are camping in the backyard! Excitement!


23/11/12: I drank the best hot chocolate ever in the evening but the thought of capturing it on my iPhone never crossed my mind! I did, however, also enjoy cooking with little Elora.


22/11/12: we exploded with pride as we watched our firstborn participate in her first triathlon at the schools triathlon challenge at Bellerieve. Go Georgia!


21/11/12: he was cuddling her, reading to her and singing to her. It was gorgeous!


20/11/12: Bonorong wildlife park with my class


19/11/12: swimming laps after work

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