23/9/12: Elora’s 2nd birthday party was a really lovely event, made especially lovely by being able to share the day with Grandma and Poppa before they return to Adelaide.
22/9/12: Grandma and Poppa gave Elora an early birthday present. The entire unwrapping ceremony was so delightful, as she negotiated a few layers of wrapping paper to discover an echidna, who she has already named ‘Kid,’ but of whom she is slightly wary. Gorgeous!
21/9/12: going out for morning tea with Mr Matthew and Grandma! Lovely!
20/9/12: we went to the playground to meet our friends. It was so much fun!
19/9/12: Our chicken is sitting on fourteen eggs. I love the way she plumps herself up and keeps all those precious eggs nice and warm.
18/9/12: only the second BBQ of the season: beef rissoles. Elora rode her little bike on the deck whilst Monte did the cooking.
17/9/12: lunch out at Peppermint Bay with Monte, Gordon and Maxine