16/9/12: playground with grandma and poppa
15/9/12: A good day actually. A 7k jog with Monte in the morning, a lunch outside and an afternoon of gardening and play outdoors. Then family movie/pizza nigh to top it off. This is a photo of Monte and Georgie in the garden.
14/9/12: snuggles with my little man in the morning. We went on to choose a movie to watch in my bedroom. He asked me if we had ‘True Blood’ in our movies folder. Me: ‘Yes, but it’s for grown ups. It’s about vampires.’ Matthew: ‘Do the vampires in ‘True Blood’ wear red capes?’ Aaaawwwwwww. Big cuddles ensued. He is ridiculously gorgeous! I need to bottle him up and savour this little six-year-old. Love love love.
13/9/12: Matthew took this photo of himself, wearing his favourite pants, which I made for him last summer.
12/9/12: grandparents have come to visit! It took little Elora a little while to warm up to her grandparents, and then she was chatting away, climbing on Grandma’s lap for stories, helping to make icecream and playing games.
11/9/12: today was filled with wonderful things and I am loving being on holidays! Monte and I went for a run together. I planted lilies, asparagus and primulus in the garden. I watched my girls dancing and laughing on the trampoline. The highlight was Georgie giving me a posy of flowers from our garden (daffodils, azaleas, lavender, rosemary and laurustinus), and thanking me for working on her bedroom to make it ‘a place for [her] to enjoy.’ She was so eloquent and so grateful. I can’t really believe that she is only nearly nine. She is so tall and mature that she seems so much older. They just grow up so fast.
10/9/12: Georgie and I went out for a Devonshire morning tea and some shopping in our local town.