9/9/12: the playground in Judbury is so much fun!
8/9/12: a day out at the Geeveston Spring Festival. Pity the weather was more like winter than spring.
7/9/12: I had this album (cassette tape!) when I was a Child – about Georgie’s age. Tonight we were listening to ‘Electric Blue’ – a song I used to dance to often as a child. Georgia started dancing to the song and I was filled with an overwhelming sense of love, pride and age.
6/9/12: Elora had her face painted at Childcare. She’s a little angel, isn’t she?!
5/9/12: I received flowers from a colleague at work. Pretty.
4/9/12: botanic gardens excursion with my students. It was so much fun.
3/9/12: today I had a pretty good day at work (this photo is from a science experiment that we did). I received some good news about my job!