
5/8/12: such a beautiful, sunny morning! Monte and I went out to work in the garden together, whilst the kids and their friends played inside or in the carport, riding their bikes. Things are starting to bloom and I feel like spring will actual come! I hung the washing on the line (hence it began to rain) – how lovely to enjoy some sunshine today!


4/8/12: moving the cows. Mr T was happy to find a new bale of smelly silage in his fresh paddock. Yummy!


3/8/12: My lovely husband takes charge of the morning routine – and he is such a HONEY with his baby on his hip whilst he makes lunches and breakfasts for the family. Love you, babe.

And I took the older two children out for milkshakes after school. It was FUN!


2/8/12: Elora was dancing around the house. She is such a happy little girl.


1/8/12: family evening, watching the Olympic Games. We watched the rowing. Or, rather, everybody else watched the rowing and I watched Monte watch the rowing.


31/7/12: I have started using my iPad for teaching. I can connect it to the interactive whiteboard. I use Pages, iDraft and other Apps, and it is a really good way to show students pictures and other things I have prepared for them. Basically it is as useful as my laptop, but I like it more.


30/7/12: Matty lost another tooth! He is so adorable and he is growing up so quickly!


Elora demanded to share my chicken soup dinner and she demanded to feed me too. She is very sweet but it was also just slightly awkward. She was happy.

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