29/7/12: after cleaning out, changing things around and setting up her room, Georgia played with her dolls house, with elora joining in too – and loving it.
Elora was stoked beyond belief to be wearing a real ‘Thomas’ t-shirt (which Matthew had when he was a baby). She walked around the house, telling everybody to look at Thomas, showing us her Thomas picture. So cute! Honestly, she must be the most adorable child.
28/7/12: finally. Wardrobe doors for the children’s rooms. The bedrooms are looking so much nicer now.
27/7/12: Friday. The past 3-4 weeks have been like hell for me. I’ve had reports to write (under the new Australian curriculum, which means a few changes to reporting methods); I’ve been sick with bronchitis and the flu and I’ve had a busy week at work with parent teacher interviews: always a bit draining! Tonight, despite all my aspirations to return to the diet that saw me shed 21 kilos last year, I treated myself to a glass (more like several) of wine. The problem is that it didn’t help me feel any better at all. It would’ve been better if I had done 400 star jumps.
26/7/12: I watched my husband teach my son a bit about boxing. He was teaching him how to protect his face. Matthew was really concentrating and practising what he was being taught (I bought him a little lunching bag with gloves). Boys! They’re awesome.
25/7/12: days are so hectic. I came home with the children just in time for monte to walk out the door to go to an evening meeting. Preparing dinner, reading and getting the children ready for bed had me feeling busy (and happy) indeed. Sitting at the kitchen bench, deciding on my next craft project, and sipping hot tea from one of my favourite cups is a pleasant moment for sure.
24/7/12: Ella is talking so much now. It was so cute when she was eating her dinner (pasta and bolognese). She chatted away and she turned to me and said ‘It’s yummy.’ And then, a bit later, ‘I want more.’
23/7/12: I had a long day at work, with parent teacher interviews. Coming home and having a very long, lovely cuddle with my little boy was the best moment of my day.