
22/7/12: we had such a beautiful day out today. My very favourite moment was going on this very old steam powered merry-go-round at the Botanical Gardens. I’m not sure if I have ever been on one of these before, but I had the best time, with my little boy with me the entire time, and Georgie by my side. Ella was standing with monte, crying, because she wanted to go on the ‘horse’ too. Georgie’s horse was called Hermione and matty’s and mine was called Darrell. Thanks, Darrell.


21/1/12: today I was able to hang the washing outside, and some of it actually dried! For several months now, I have been hanging my washing indoors, where it dries on a clothes horse by the fire or in the warmth of the window in the family room. I am tired of having it inside. I cannot wait for warmer, drier weather. I have been contemplating buying a clothes dryer; I have never owned one. Do you own a clothes dryer, and do you use it often?

20/7/12: I watched ‘Cinderella’ with my Ella today. We lay in my bed, cuddling. She likes to prop herself up on pillows and cover herself with a blanket. We cuddled and watched. She laughed a lot when the Disney introductory music came on. Enjoying watching television is something that has only come recently for Ella (like, in the last fortnight). She’s awesome. She’s not very well either though.

19/7/12: I stayed home, sick, with Matthew, also sick. Whilst resting all day, reading my favourite sewing and crochet books, madly pinning on Pinterest, and knitting myself a beanie, I enjoyed looking outside to our garden. The garden is coming along nicely. The very best thing about it is seeing so many birds. For a long time we have had flocks of robins, blue wrens and gold finches living close to our home. Today I loved watching the birds in the garden. My photo does not do the little darlings any justice, but the red and blue and gold birds are just beautiful. My nanna talked about birds a lot. She got a lot of joy, watching them in her lovely garden. I thought of her a lot today too.

18/7/12: another day at home, sick, with a sick little boy. We cuddled and watched movies. He opened some birthday cards, and received this $10. We went to the doctor and at the shops afterwards, he was simply bursting to spend his money. I bought him a chocolate milk and some lollies and advised him to save his special money, from auntie Marie, for something he really really wants.

17/7/12: a day at home, sick, with sick children. You know how some things happen that just make you want to cry? Well I got pretty annoyed, when Elora caused this. At first I thought I would cry (I did mention that I am unwell), but then it made me laugh. She did just want a straw for her drink, after all. Such a determined little girl!

16/7/12: monte brings me a coffee every morning. He knows just how I like it: very hot and bitterly strong. He put a love heart on today’s coffee. He has been practising. He’s awesome.