6/7/12: My birthday. After taking Elora for an ultrasound, we had lunch at a restaurant by the beach. We did some op shopping and we got some lovely treasures! My family made me a lovely chocolate cake. Overall I feel very loved and very spoilt!
5/7/12: I knew something was up with my students. It has been going on for weeks. Today they held a surprise birthday party for me. One of my students made this amazing cake!
4/7/12: driving to work. I love it here.
3/7/12: picking Elora up from Childcare. I miss her so much when I’m at work but it makes the time we spend together that much more beautiful. And she’s soooooo beautiful!
2/7/12: cuddles with my children. My darling oldest child brought us a tray of tea, peanuts and marshmallows. How sweeeet!