
1/7/12: today I spent so much time with little Elora. The older kids played and watched movies and Monte worked outside. My baby is growing up. She talks so much and has a great sense of humour. She can count to six! We cuddled a lot and sang songs. We chatted and ate apples. We cuddled more. We played peekaboo and chasey. We baked. We cuddled again and we wandered around outside. I love her.


30/6/12: such a treat! An outing with Monte, to meet dear Adelaide friends for dinner at Salamanca, whilst the babysitter looked after the children! (do you think Monte has a silly grin? He had just bought my birthday present!)


29/6/12: a day of rest, and hearty homemade soup, served in these gorgeous bowls I bought at the op shop.


28/6/12: I had a big cuddle with all my little lovelies this afternoon. Just to hold them and kiss their warm heads and tell them I love them.


27/6/12: my view on the way to work.


26/6/12: I bought bananas at 99c a kilo.


25/6/12: I haven’t had chocolate for nearly a month. I haven’t eaten chips for aaaages and I’ve cut right back on wine. I found this exercise routine on Pinterest (the site is talesofadonesticmoma.blogspot.ca). It is great! I’m going to get fitter.

Posted in 365