20/5/12: Georgia’s dance concert. The whole family went to watch Georgia dance. She was wonderful. I’m so proud of my girl; she has been a wonderful team player this weekend – a great help during busy and stressful times. Bless you, darling girl.
19/5/12: Nina is sick and we have to hand feed Bessie. Monte held Bessie and I fed her with the bottle. Once she got the hang of it she was sucking away happily. Once it sprayed all over me. The formula tastes like custard! No wonder Bessie likes it.
18/5/12: going mad, pinning on Pinterest. I knew that would happen – that I’d get carried away. I’m finding it a good way of storing ideas and inspiration. It’s a virtual pin board. I’m a sucker.
17/5/12: Monte was out at a meeting and the younger two were fast asleep. I hung out with Georgia. We talked about her Monster High dolls and we brushed the dolls’ hair. We researched the dolls and watched some of the ‘Monster High’ tv show on YouTube. It was fun.
16/5/12: cooking in the late afternoon. Children quietly watched tv (we have a ‘no tv during the week’ rule, so this was an exception). I had a chance to cook the evening meal in peace. I was also able to sip at a hot cup of peppermint tea and browse through a magazine! Can you believe it?!
15/5/12: Using the new coffee machine to make baby cinos for my little people.
14/5/12: Well, I had a pretty good start to the week. I saw a wedge tailed eagle on my way to work. I listened to music on my drive and I thought about the love of my life, who is perfect (well, practically perfect), He’s even more perfect because he bought me a new coffee machine, which was all set up when I got home. He made coffees after dinner. Yum! Awesome man.