
22/4/12: being in Adelaide. Seeing friends and family. The funniest moment was being caught in the middle of a flashmob at ikea! All around us, as we made our way to the counters, people sprang from the aisles, dancing … In their pajamas!


21/4/12: on a plane to Adelaide, I enjoyed watching the sunrise. It has been so good to see family today.


20/4/12: lovely Monte makes my lunch every day! He’s awesome.


19/4/12: somebody paid me a huge compliment. In fact, it was so nice that I nearly burst into tears! How do I capture that in a photo? So here’s a photo of the sunshine that greeted me this morning.

You never know how much your kind words will impact others.


18/4/12: donuts after school with Georgia and Matthew.


17/4/12: Remembering with the utmost fondness.


16/4/12: shopping with mum. Lunch with mum, with news that brings such sadness. It was a blessing to be with my mother at this moment.

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