25/4/11: Georgia made me feel so proud on Anzac Day. She took a lily to the cenotaph in memory of one of the diggers who has died this year. She was representing the Girl Guides.

23/4/11: My son gave me one of his 3 eggs - the pink one, knowing I love pink. Such a generous little man! (I think I was too touched to actually eat it though)

23/4/11: A wonderful morning on an Easter egg hunt with fantastic friends. We had such a beautiful morning! Great hospitality, great food, wonderful company, and children who were not overly rowdy with chocolate! We have wonderful wonderful friends here. Thank you Philz, Chris and Grace!

21/4/11: I made my first ever batch of hot cross buns using a recipe from my breadmaker book. They were delicious. They weren't very sweet and they were quite filling and I would definitely bake them again! I could leave off the piped crosses and use a jam and sugar glaze to make a simple fruit bun... yes please!

20/4/11: My daughter adores anything crafty. I was really proud of her when she decided to make these friendship pins for her friends for Easter. We had a lovely time together as we made the pins and talked about her lovely friends.

19/4/11: I went to the garden to pick more Brandywine tomatoes, thinking I would make some green tomato pickles. Since then, they are ripening beautifully in the sun on our dining table... but the thing that makes me smile is how much I actually picked. Guess how much!

18/4/11: High chair: check. Toy that has a mirror that baby can see her face in, which makes her laugh uncontrollably: check. Too cute for words.

16/4/11: Family pizza and movie night! A tradition that we will never tire of (you can always change the toppings)
Over 6.5kg of tomatoes, if you are still wondering!