I know I’m behind in my blogging. Far behind! But honestly, it is for a good cause. There will be more to come: a post about a wet weekend that we spent cooking and preserving things from our own garden; some yummy recipes we have come across; Easter; Anzac Day; Bushwalking and more. I just need some (a) Energy and (b) time.

16/4/11: Wedge-tailed eagles flew past my bedroom window and perched in the nearby tree. It's always glorious to see these majestic birds. There it is, centre of the photo. Beautiful.

15/4/11: I love love love bath time with our Ellie! She comes out of the bath smelling divine, her skin like velvet. She's the sweetest thing; of course she is one of the reasons I keep smiling :)

13/4/11: It was raining so much over the weekend; we must have got over 100ml at our place. All the creeks and rivers were flooding! It doesn't quite make me smile per se, but I found it interesting. This is on our road.

13/4/11: There is a very pretty six-month-old baby girl in our house, who is very cuddly and talkative, and developing a rather charming personality! :D

12/4/11: If given a slipper, some Diego wings, two fishing rods and two engines, what would you make? This was Matthew's invention. :D

11/4/11: Matthew and I built this traintrack and spent an hour playing trains! It was so much fun hanging out with my little man.

10/4/11: Making jam. Fantastic.

10/4/11: This is where we found Elora in the morning. She's so quiet in the night, but perhaps she is waking up and having a silent roly-poly-party! Gorgeous!

9/4/11: Ellie wears the Tigger jumpsuit that both Georgia and Matthew wore. And big sister Georgia is so good at playing with her baby sister. Awww.

9/4/11: These Brandywine tomatoes are so meaty and tasty. I can't get enough of them (which is great because we are growing a lot of them!). Delicious on toast, with a healthy sprinkle of cracked pepper!

8/4/11: Just a glorious Autumn day! I love Autumn here. It's my favourite.

7/4/11: d'Art pokes her head through a temporary strawbale wall in the backyard... too cute!

6/4/11: My group of students writes silently. It's almost miraculous. They were writing a persuasive letter to our principal about things they would like in our school..

5/4/11: After months of my mother's running around and phone calls to chase up this bear, Elora receives her Christmas present from Nanny and Gramps! She loves it.

4/4/11: I smiled in the comforting knowledge that in two days I had saved $5 and a bag of rubbish by using these fabulous AIO reusable nappies, which I bought when Matty was a baby!

3/4/11: A flock of black cockatoos made a raucous racket in our gum trees, causing the children to stop suddenly and enquire about what the heck was going on.