My highlights of happiness continue to be based on my family. I cherish my time with them and am grateful for them each day. I love being a mother. It is so easy to be busy with life, and I have been making an extra effort to stop and enjoy my children. Stuff the housework. For a bit, anyway.
I went back to Adelaide for a weekend, and it was so wonderful to catch up with friends and family, who I miss so very much. I am finding it difficult to be so far away from people I love but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. It’s a battle, for sure.

2/4/11: Children happily playing with Lego, creating a city with houses, houseboats, cars, planes, garages etc... reminds me of being a child - what fun Lego is!

1/4/11: My firstborn reads me a bedtime story. The bliss of spending an uninterrupted hour with my gorgeous daughter - was such a blessing!