20/3/11: A midnight moonlit escape outside just to see this moon for Monte and me. The moon glowed, the clouds moved eerily and a possum scampered around in a nearby tree.

19/3/11: Saturday morning cuddles and stories with daddy (and mummy!). Best way to spend a morning!

19/3/11: Shopping: two peas in a pod. Doesn't she adore her older brother?

19/3/11: Elora eats pumpkin! In the high chair! :D

18/3/11: Celebrating ONE YEAR since moving into our strawbale house on the hill... a photo taken of the kids and me, mirroring a similar photo taken last year (with Elora in my tummy!) :D :D

17/3/11: My daughters... the older one lovingly feeding the younger.

16/3/11: Matthew drinks a goats milk strawberry milkshake at the opening of our friends' goat milk soap shop

15/3/11: Giant Haigh's choccy frog... only true chocoholics understand why this makes me smile (am on rations; this will take a long time to finish btw)

15/3/11: Schooldress, hemmed and pressed and ready to go!