I am feeling extra blessed. We are living in this picturesque valley, which is so beautiful and safe compared to the dramas and troubles that are occurring not just over our country but throughout the world. To enjoy this sunny long weekend with my happy, safe and healthy family was a blessing of magnitude proportions; we just have to realise how lucky we are.
My smile moments are still centred on my family and food. I think that is a beautiful thing; I am grateful that I have a family and food about which to be happy :)

14/3/11: My three babies! They fought over who would push the baby on the swing, but they all love each other so much.

14/3/11: Elora had her first swing and she loved it!

13/3/11: A daytrip. Georgia makes a pencil box at Bunnings. Very sparkly and the like :)

12/3/11: A family walk in the evening was on the agenda. Superdad with baby Elora. Gorgeous.

12/3/11: It was Georgia's day. She made a list of things for us to do. One of the things on her list was to bake cookies and eat them outside for afternoon tea! So we did! Beautiful!

12/3/11: freshly picked apples from our own trees! yum yum yum :)

11/3/11: one of my favourite photos of Monte and 'Spike.' love love love

11/3/11: Matthew cuddling Molly, the doll, to sleep. He loves his babies!

10/3/11: Elora in the 'jolly jumper' ... she loved it! Kicking and hopping away!

9/3/11: Ellie doing sit ups to look at me from her bed... and she looks so pretty :)

8/3/11: dinner with the Gouldings-Smiths was a brilliant evening enjoyed by all!