We have, once again, had a lovely Tasmanian Christmas. It is peaceful staying home for the silly season, although we definitely miss our friends and family at this time!
Our celebrations have been ongoing since we put the tree up at the end of November. There has been lots of baking: biscuits, cake, yum-yum balls, and decorating, as well as reading lots of Christmas stories and listening to Christmas carols playing in the background, or on the keyboard! I don’t consider myself an overly Christmassy person. I strongly dislike the materialistic attitude it has. I love the idea of sitting with a lovely group of friends and family, as we did, eating a beautiful meal, drinking wine, and talking late into the day.
Christmas Eve was a busy one. We tidied the house and finished wrapping gifts to put under the tree. We bought a leg of ham, which Monte smoked and baked on the weber. We ate a simple family Christmas meal of ham and salads, followed by a summer icecream and berry pudding. It was a really lovely, simple occasion. Our table was decorated with our own massive bunch of holly. Despite being a noxious weed, it really is very pretty.